
Russell Lewis


August 28, 2024


This is the analysis notebook for the LABOR study. The figures are preliminary and in many cases I have not changed the variable indicators/legends from the original dataset (I don’t have a code book of what some the numbers represent). The figures will be aesthetically improved before final publication, these are just an initial attempt to understand the dataset and recommend a analysis approach. My understanding is the hypothesis is to test whether L-AMB is as effective as voriconazole using Day + 90 survival endpoint.

To save time, I did not recreate your “Table 1” analysis you forwarded to me, but used it in consideration of preparing the analysis.

Primary endpoint

The first few graphs are an attempt to just visualize the data. I started by plotting the Kaplan-Meier Curves for the entire dataset stratified by whether patients received voriconazole or L-AMB.

fit <- survfit(Surv(IA_to_90death_COX, death_3m) ~ terapia_antifungina_categorica , data = data)
Kmgraph <-ggsurvplot(
  data = data,
  size = 1,                 # change line size
  palette =
    c("red", "#2E9FDF"),# custom color palettes = TRUE,          # Add confidence interval
  pval = TRUE,              # Add p-value
  risk.table = TRUE,        # Add risk table
  risk.table.col = "strata",# Risk table color by groups

  legend.labs =
    c("Voriconazole", "Liposomal AMB"),    # Change legend labels
  risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
  ggtheme = theme_bw()      # Change ggplot2 theme

Figure 1: Kaplan-Meier analysis of 90-day survival rates

These data demonstrate that overall, there is no significant differences (using Log-Rank test) in the rate of 90-day mortality between patients who received L-AMB versus voriconazle, although there seems to be consistent trend favoring voriconazole.

To confirm that the rates of mortality are similarly distributed between the two groups I created population time plots using the casebase package1. each grey line represents the time course of a single patients (the graph is arranged from shortest to longest) with red dots indicating the time of mortality. The distribution in time to death is relatively similar between the two groups although the highest incidence density of mortality appears in the first 25 days for both groups.

library (data.table)

pt_fungal <- popTime(data = data, time="IA_to_90death_COX", event="death_3m")
[1] "popTime"    "data.table" "data.frame"
plot(popTime(pt_fungal, exposure = "terapia_antifungina_categorica"))
Figure 2: Population time-plot of 90-day mortality, 1= voriconazole; 2=Liposomal AMB; Each gray line represent 1 subject time in study. Red dots indicate time of death

I noticed in your Table 1 there was significant differences in the switching to other antifungals between L-AMB and voriconazole patients. I reset the data to day +90 for the three key time variables (LOS in hospital, time to switch and time to death by 90 days) and compared the cumulative incidence curves. We can add length of ICU stay (LIS) later if desired although it will make the graph harder to read. Overall the mortality CID curves and hospital discharge curves are similar. However These data suggest that more than 2/3 of patients who received L-AMB were switched to an alternative antifungal within two weeks. This is consistent with empirical use and best clinical practice for use of the drug to avoid nephrotoxicity,2 but creates a bias in trying to demonstrate “equivalence” of the two treatment approaches. There what you mostly will be testing is a strategy of starting two weeks with liposomal amphotericin B.

Analysis option

Consider a table that describes patients (n=38) with aspergillosis who did not switch from liposomal amphotericin B

library (readxl)
library (ggplot2)
cif_LAMB <- read_excel("cif_LAMB.xlsx")
cif_voriconazole <- read_excel("cif_voriconazole.xlsx")

graph1<-ggplot () +
  geom_area(data = cif_LAMB, aes(x = time, y = Surv), fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_area(data = cif_LAMB, aes(x = time, y = Dschg), fill = "green", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_area(data = cif_LAMB, aes(x = time, y = Switch), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Amphotericin B", x = "Days since diagnosis", y = "Incidence") + theme_minimal()

graph2<-ggplot () +
  geom_area(data = cif_voriconazole, aes(x = time, y = Surv), fill = "red", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_area(data = cif_voriconazole, aes(x = time, y = Dschg), fill = "green", alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_area(data = cif_voriconazole, aes(x = time, y = Switch), fill = "blue", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Voriconazole", x = "Days since diagnosis", y = "Incidence") + theme_minimal()

plot_grid(graph1, graph2,
          ncol = 2, nrow = 1)
Figure 3: Cumulative incidence function of death, discharge and medication switch between the two study cohorts

Indeed, if we go back and compare the Kaplan-Meir curves for liposomal AMB and voriconazole in patients who did not switch therapies, we see a significant difference in mortality by the KM curves. However, I recognize this analysis may be biased against L-AMB.

Kmgraph2 <-ggsurvplot(
  data = filtered_data,
  size = 1,                 
  palette =
    c("red", "#2E9FDF"), = TRUE,         
  pval = TRUE,           
  risk.table = TRUE,      
  risk.table.col = "strata",
  legend.labs =
    c("Voriconazole", "Liposomal AMB"),    # Change legend labels
  risk.table.height = 0.25, # Useful to change when you have multiple groups
  ggtheme = theme_bw()      # Change ggplot2 theme

Figure 4: Kaplan-Meir analysis in patients who did not switch therapy

A comparison of the specific switch in therapy shows marked differences in the types of molecules that were substituted (I do not know specifically which drugs these numerical codes represent).

vori_change <-ggplot(vori_df, aes(x = tp_modif_molecola, y = percent, fill = tp_modif_molecola)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Voriconazole", x = "Molecule", y = "Percent") +
  theme_minimal() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1), limits = c(0, 100)) +
   guides(fill = "none")

lamb_change <-ggplot(lamb_df, aes(x = tp_modif_molecola, y = percent, fill = tp_modif_molecola)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Liposomal AMB", x = "Molecule", y = "Percent") +
  theme_minimal() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1), limits = c(0, 100)) +
   guides(fill = "none")

plot_grid(vori_change, lamb_change,
          ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

The reasons were switching were also different, it would be pa

vori_change2 <-ggplot(vori_df2, aes(x = tp_modif_motivo, y = percent, fill = tp_modif_motivo)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Voriconazole", x = "Molecule", y = "Percent") +
  theme_minimal() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1), limits = c(0, 100)) +
   guides(fill = "none")

lamb_change2 <-ggplot(lamb_df2, aes(x = tp_modif_motivo, y = percent, fill = tp_modif_motivo)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  labs(title = "Liposomal AMB", x = "Molecule", y = "Percent") +
  theme_minimal() + scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(scale = 1), limits = c(0, 100)) +  
   guides(fill = "none")

plot_grid(vori_change2, lamb_change2,
          ncol = 2, nrow = 1)

Cox regression: Survival

res.cox2 <- coxph(Surv(IA_to_90death_COX, death_3m) ~ eta + CCI + fr_SOT + fr_HSCT + fr_malatt_ematol + fr_neutropenia + fr_steroide_cronico + fr_VAPA + fr_degenzaTI_sup14gg + profilassi_antifungina + fr_degenzaTI_sup14gg * terapia_antifungina_categorica, data = data_tibble) summary(res.cox2)

Test of proportional hazards assumption

#| label: fig-cox2 #| fig-cap: “Tests of proportional hazards assumption” #| warning: false test.ph2 <- cox.zph(res.cox2) test.ph2 ggcoxdiagnostics(res.cox2, type = “dfbeta” , linear.predictions = TRUE)


Microbiological investigations

Bhatnagar, S., Turgeon, M., Islam, J., Saarela, O. & Hanley, J. Casebase: An alternative framework for survival analysis and comparison of event rates. 14, (2022).